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    Aviation Weather Tips Every Pilot Should Know
    Every day pilots use various weather reports and forecasts to make many routine operational decisions. Knowing how to use this guidance within its limitations is paramount. While pilots are taught the basics, many important details are left out of their primary training. This program will discuss some common mistakes pilots make and provide a few tips on how to properly utilize this weather guidance in their day-to-day preflight planning regiment.
    File with a Call Sign
    ForeFlight now allows you to add a call sign to flight plans. Enter a call sign contraction and number in the field to file the flight under that call sign; your N number will be included in the flight plan’s remarks so ATC can still access it. If you don’t enter any call sign the flight will be filed under your N number. Learn more about filing with ForeFlight at
    Filing ICAO Flight Plans

    This video walks you through filing a flight plan in ForeFlight using the ICAO flight plan format, including setting up the necessary fields in your aircraft profiles and using the ICAO flight plan form.

    Airspace in Profile View

    Profile view in ForeFlight now depicts airspace along your route, providing you with valuable information for flight planning and inflight use beyond terrain and obstacle avoidance. 

    Profile View is available with Pro subscriptions and above.

    Bias Climb & Descent Performance Profiles

    Increase the accuracy of ForeFlight’s time and fuel flow calculations by adjusting your aircraft’s climb, cruise, and descent performance profiles based on observed performance. These performance profiles are available as part of ForeFlight’s Performance Plus and Business Performance subscription plans.

    Files in Flights

    ForeFlight allows you to associate files, documents, and photos with flight plans using the Files in Flights feature, helping you keep important flight resources organized and easily accessible. Files in Flights is included in ForeFlight Performance plans.

    Forecast Weather in Profile View

    ForeFlight’s Profile View includes selectable Icing and Turbulence forecast layers, providing a cross-section of weather in addition to terrain, obstacles, and airspace along your route. Weather layers in Profile View are included in ForeFlight’s Performance Plus and Business Performance subscription plans.

    Import .CRD Files in Military Flight Bag

    ForeFlight Military Flight Bag simplifies flight planning for all military aviators with support for importing .CRD flight plan files through a variety of secure methods, providing flexibility in diverse operational environments. ForeFlight MFB supports .CRD files from most mission planning systems, including CFPS, PFPS, and JMPS. After exporting the file, you can import it into ForeFlight via email, AirDrop, or iTunes.

    Logbook Aircraft Profile Helper
    Complete aircraft profile information is critical to accurate flight currency reporting - ForeFlight Logbook highlights missing information to help your currencies stay on track. If you add an aircraft with missing details to a flight, a warning symbol appears in your currency detail views. Tap on it to see which aircraft need attention and to add the missing information. ForeFlight highlights the relevant fields so you can quickly resolve the issue and get your currency reporting back on track.
    Performance Part 1 - Add New Aircraft & Performance Profiles

    This is part one of our Performance video series, which walks through how to set up aircraft using ForeFlight’s new aircraft type database. These features are available with ForeFlight’s Performance Plus plan, which you can purchase at

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